Walterboro couple sentenced to federal prison


David and Loretta Hiers have been sentenced to federal prison for conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud. David Hiers will serve three years in prison and Loretta Hiers will serve two years.

The charges stem from 2019 when an individual identified as A.D. needed money to retain a lawyer for an incarcerated family member. A.D. was referred to David Hiers for assistance with the financial matter. A.D. provided Hiers with the personal identifying information requested (PII) which included a picture of A.D.’s driver’s license and SSN. Mr. Hiers informed A.D. that his credit would negatively affected, but not to be concerned because he knew how to repair it.

That’s when the trouble began. The Hiers used A.D.’s information to perpetrate a fake loan scheme and were able to illegally obtain close to $400,000.00.

When A.D. approached Mr. Hiers in July 2019 requesting he put an end to whatever he was doing, Hiers cut off all communication with A.D., but continued with the scheme. Naturally, the loans defaulted, the FBI was called in, assets were confiscated, liquified, and applied to restitution. An approximate balance of $250,000.00 remains to be repaid.

The Hiers will not be eligible for parole and after they serve their sentence they will have five years of court-ordered supervision and they will also be equally responsible for the remaining restitution.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and The Colleton County Sheriff’s Office worked in tandem in the service of search and arrest warrants.