The Best Advice I Ever Heard


Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6

I was recently asked if I had any advice for a young graduate. I pointed them to a text that I wish I had taken to heart when I was younger. As I study it, I believe this Scripture speaks first to the attitude of our hearts. We have a tendency to believe, say, and do what feels good to ourselves, and that seems right until it leads us to a place we never wanted to go in life. Following your own heart is not a good idea. The human heart is fickle and constantly changes its affections. Instead of trusting our changing hearts we should learn to trust the changeless and constant God of the Bible.

Then this Scripture makes us a promise: that if you submit your ways to God, He will straighten out your journey through life. It’s difficult to say no to our desires and obey God in our lives, but it is possible. Perhaps your journey through life has been riddled with wrong turns. It’s never too late to follow good advice. You can start today.

Heavenly Father, I admit that I’ve made some poor choices. I haven’t always trusted in You with my whole heart. I see where that has misled me in my past. I want to put my life in Your hands and let You lead me. Help me to turn from doing what seems right to me and turn to doing what seems right to You. I ask You to clearly show me what You want me to do. I surrender my life to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.