City of Walterboro holds August meeting


The City of Walterboro held its August meeting August 20, 2024 at City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Bill Young and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilperson Judy Bridge.

The City Manager’s report highlighted some items of interest to the citizens of Walterboro. Firstly, City Council approved to begin the engineering and design of the Ireland Creek Greenway and stream restoration project. This was a capital project sales tax item that was approved in 2022. The survey work has been completed and now the project can move forward.

Regarding personnel issues, the City of Walterboro is happy to welcome Patricia Utsey as the new Main Street Manager and Tourism Director. Ms. Utsey has a strong background in marketing and social media, specialties that are needed in this position. City officials are excited to bring her into this position and think she will do a great job according to Jeff Molinari, City Manager.

After the City Manager’s report the Council went into Executive Session by a motion, which was seconded, and passed unanimously.