Do You Know the Man?


How do you know that you really know someone? Is it based on the number of years you have been around that individual? Is it because your parents knew this person? Is it a special characteristic that the person has that you like? Is it because of a special favor that person has done for you? It is your RELATIONSHIP with that individual that should confirm whether you really know him or her. I have asked you some questions because I am going somewhere with this.

Let’s examine two verses from the Bible about relationships. Proverbs 18:24 (ESV) says, “A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” John 15:13 (ESV) states, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” Two concepts that these verses have in common are fellowship and love for one another. Therefore, if you have a genuine relationship with someone, fellowship and love co-exist.

This brings us to the question in my title. Let me share some characteristics about this man in “layman’s terms” with Scriptures to support my claims. If you have a relationship with him, you will recognize him.

• He didn’t own a winery, but He performed His first miracle at a wedding ceremony by turning water into wine. (John 2:1-11)

• One day He sponsored the most famous “fish fry” on this earth. (Matthew 14:15-21)

• In order to calm a raging storm that frightened the disciples, He spoke three powerful words: “Peace, be still.” (Mark 4:35-41)

• He had the power “to put the funeral homes out of business” because He raised the dead, more than once. (Luke 7:11-18) I could go on and on to tell you what I know about this man for myself. He has gotten me through dangers seen and unseen. He has made a way out of no way for my family and me. He has healed my body time after time. He never left my side as I raised three sons as a single mother. He sent me my “Boaz.” In the words of an old Negro spiritual, “You can’t make me doubt Him; I know too much about Him.”

Yes, I know this man because I have a relationship with Him! He is the one and only, Jesus Christ! If you don’t know Him, I suggest you give Him a try. Your life will never be the same! Always abound in the faith, and never leave home without Him!