Throughout our lives, fires (trials, struggles, tribulations) ignite almost daily. Then what do we do to put out the fires? Whatever we do to accomplish this works for some, but for others, what they do does not work. Therefore, as our fires continue to ignite and spread, we must ask ourselves this question: Is what I am doing effective or ineffective? In order to accomplish this daily feat, we must follow God’s instructions. In this world that is so filled with evil, we must petition the only One, who is the Source! “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness,” (1 John 1:9 ESV).
When the fires come, don’t be so anxious to take the easy road and run away or fall into utter despair. That is not going to solve anything as it will only forcefully fan the flames. Also, in the midst of your fires, be careful of the voice to whom you are listening. I found an illustration, “Extinguishing the Fires,” that offers a step-by-step, biblical approach to an effective prayer life when the Christian is facing the fires.
According to “Free Christian Illustrations,” to successfully put out the fires in our lives, God has given us PRAYER. Prayer is our fire hose. As Christians, we are all issued with an identical hose, each one connected to the same water supply (God’s Power). We must unravel the hose and connect it to God’s water supply (the right procedure of getting in fellowship, (1 John 1:9). Then we must check that there are no kinks in the hose (false motives or unresolved issues, Psalm 66:18, James 4:3). Once the hose is prepared, we must turn on the tap fully (faith in God’s power, Mathew 21:22). If we are standing on the hose, we should remove our “big foot” (allow God to have His way without interference, Psalm 37:34, Psalm 130:5). It always helps to aim the hose in the right direction (knowing God’s will, 1 John 5:14). Finally, we must persevere until the fire is extinguished (persistent prayer, Psalm 55:17). Hallelujah!
These instructions are clear and plain. Following them will make it easier for us to put out our fires. Are they going to be extinguished overnight? Absolutely not! Patience, when going through the fires, helps. Always abound in the faith, and never leave home without Him!