Only Jesus Satisfies


I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.

John 6:35

While claiming to be God, Jesus clearly took upon Himself titles that exclusively belong to God. One of these sacred titles is “I am,” the personal name of God revealed to Moses in Exodus 3. Jesus combined this Old Testament revelation with bread, the basic foundation of daily nutrition to show everyone who He is. Jesus is God in the flesh who has come to nourish our souls. Jesus is the strength, hope, belief, love, and peace that we all need to thrive in this life. In Jesus, we find and fulfill our purpose. Apart from Jesus, we can do nothing lasting and eternal.

Jesus says that those who come to Him will never go hungry and never be thirsty. We are all looking for something that provides meaning and purpose. Only Jesus can satisfy the basic desires we all have to be righteous and in a relationship with God. Through Jesus, God saves us not because of our own righteousness, but through the righteousness of Christ.

In the Old Testament, the prophet Isaiah asks, “Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy?” (Isaiah 55:2). In other words, why do we spend our lives pursuing things that can never satisfy us? If you’re weary of pouring out your heart, life, and effort on things that leave you empty and miserable, would you consider turning to Jesus?

Repent or turn from your disobedience to God. Turn to God and believe that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh who can forgive you of your sins. Surrender your life to Him and pursue Him through prayer, Bible study, and regularly gathering with other believers in worship.