Is It Time to Forgive the Church?


Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

Colossians 3:13

Some of us are holding a grudge. We didn’t like the way something was done or the way someone treated us at church. We got upset, and we’re letting that wrong affect the fellowship we used to have. We might even use that offense as an excuse not to go back to that church or even to another church. As Christians, we know unforgiveness is wrong when it comes to people, but for some reason, we feel like it is ok to not forgive the church.

Churches are groups of flawed people who have a common, imperfect, and growing faith in Jesus Christ. We admit that we make mistakes. We are subject to disappointing each other. Sometimes we sharply disagree and have a hard time working together. Do you think there are times we expect the church to be perfect? No one can live up to that impossible expectation. Can you give your church grace when it disappoints you?

If you have been keeping unforgiveness in your heart regarding the church, would you consider forgiving them? We don’t forgive others because we are dismissing what they did wrong. Forgiveness is the way a Christian confronts wrongdoing. We forgive others as an act of worship and gratitude for Jesus. We forgive others because Jesus forgave us when we offended Him. One of the marks of a true Christian is that they don’t hold grudges. We all make mistakes. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.