Beware Manipulative Flattery


Proverbs 7:21 speaks of the seductive more experienced woman luring the less experienced younger man into an adulterous affair. She is persistent and uses flattery flawlessly. Verses 22-23 tell us that the results of yielding to such advances can range from disastrous to deadly.

In 21st century American culture, these chapters about wisdom and foolishness apply to both men and women. We must fear the Lord, actively seek wisdom, truth, and knowledge. We must learn discernment and recognize flattery. To flatter means, “to seek to please by complimentary speech or attention; to compliment or praise without sincerity.” WHO does not like to be complimented? When someone is singing our praise, the endorphins kick into high gear and we feel special. But flattery often comes with prohibitive costs such as moral compromise, unethical behavior, and unequally yoked relationships. When we yield to flattery, the results can be dangerous, even deadly.

So how do we discern manipulative flattery from genuine compliments? Love wisdom, seek knowledge, fear the Lord. In 8:17, Wisdom says, “I love those who love me, and those who search for me find me.” Be careful when others bestow compliments and honors upon you. It can disrupt humility, change your disposition, and even damage your character. Just ask God for wisdom and He will give it to you generously. See James 1:5-8