

Congress voted to declare our independence on July 2nd and it was announced two days later on July 4th . What the July 4th holiday commemorates is the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, by delegates from the 13 colonies. On the 4th, the Continental Congress approved the final wording of the Declaration of Independence. This is the day we celebrate the BIRTH OF THE United States of America. This holiday should be a grand celebration of the birth of our nation.

I have written before about the decline of patriotism in America. Fifteen years ago 74% of Americans surveyed said that patriotism was important and four years ago it down to 61%. The shocking number today is Millennials ( born 1980-1994) and Generation Z (born 1995-2012 only 38% believe Patriotism is important today. 

If we put ourselves in the shoes of these young people, we can see what is causing this decline. Our political parties have gone over the top calling each other names and using words such as traitor and terrorist to describe the other party. Our President speaks of racism as if all republicans are white supremacist. Obama led with his divisive politics for 8 years. Justice seems to have two tiers.

Our children sit in class and listen to propaganda such as CRT and the 2019 Theory. Neither of these programs were written by historians. They were law professors at large universities expressing their opinion not based on facts. These programs create bitterness between the races. The fact those professors can write and speak of their opinions is testimony to our freedom of speech.

Our children hear teacher’s propaganda while they ignore teaching our Constitution and Bill of Rights. They do not talk about the many contributions America has given the world. Americans need to realize our education system has major problems. Parents worry their children are being exposed to information they find offensive. Here is an example:

Wayne State university students shouted down a supposedly anti-trans federal judge attempting to give remarks. In response, a professor at Wayne State University wrote on Facebook, “I think it is far more admirable to kill a racist, homophobic, or transphobic speaker than it is to shout them down. “     That is a dangerous statement.  How does that professor keep his job?  I would pull my child out of Wayne State if they tolderate that rhetoric from any professor.

Student SAT scores have steadily declined since the 1960’s. Many schools have 20 to 40% of students who do not read at grade level. Many districts have lowered the scores required to earn grades to help cover the problem. 

If I were superintendent of Colleton County Schools here are measures I would take:

I would take every student who does not read at grade level and place them in a special class. The first three hours of school each day would be divided into three one hour classes.teaching Reading, Math and Civics. Tutors would be in each class to assist the teacher, How can a fifth grade student take a test if they read at a 2nd grade level?

Discipline would be established. Specific rules would be set for all students. Punishment would be established for breaking the rules. 

Parents will be required to meet with principal if a student disobeys a rule for a second time.. A second time student faces can suspension, A third time would bring permanent expulsion.

If a school has a continual problem with discipline video cameras will be placed in classrooms to monitor student behavior.,

Teachers would be given a special bonus when all student are reading at grade level.

Parents and students would be told in a meeting what the rules are for the school year. They will be told the punishment for breaking a rule. They will also be given this information in writing and it will be posted in front of each classroom. Classroom disturbances or disrespecting a teacher will not be tolerated.

Parents need to know learning and behavior starts at home. Their children will perform better in an orderly environment. Our public schools need your support every day. To support parents efforts, each school will have a School Board Member assigned to improve communication and help solve problems. Our schools must be able and capable to deliver a quality education to each student.

Noel Ison
