
I wish to complement CCSD Board Member, Mrs. Witkin, in her persistence in questioning the superintendent about the spending “Priority Funds,” grant monies received for aiding the poor performance of elementary schools, for murals on the walls of the high school. That question begs so many more questions about the operation of this public body.

In my 20 years of residing in beautiful Colleton County, I have watched the administration of the school district treat the elected board as they would their mushroom garden: “Keep them in the dark and feed them bat fertilizer.” None more brazen that the time they saddled taxpayers with a $95 million dollar bond issue in a virtual “middle of the night deal.” No matter if that was a good benefit or not, it is no way to treat a public board with a fiduciary responsibility to the public. The tail wagged the dog.

I complement The Press and Standard as well for the front page treatment of this issue as we go to the polls to elect some new members to the board.

US News reported our district ranked 13,383 of the 17,843 districts nationally and 166th of 221 in the state. Our students had a 32% proficiency in math, 61% in reading

and 42% in science. We had a 78% graduation rate, up from 76% in 2018-2019, still far from the state average of 84%. We have been wallowing in this mediocrity for decades.

I believe our schools can improve with proper oversight in the operations and active leadership by the elected board, in concert with the aAdministration, in the setting of priorities, policies and an emphasis on an expectation of excellence for each student.

This effort will benefit from some interest shown by County Council in the matter.

Moultrie D. Plowden
