Crime Reports


Repo man shot at near Francis Street
A repo man scouting the area for a car at Sixth and Francis streets reported someone shot at him on Jan. 6.
The victim told deputies he saw a 2009 Honda Accord on Hampton Street. The car then went to Sixth Street where the suspect left the car and walked behind the residence.
When the victim saw the suspect again, the suspect shot a handgun in the air. The victim fled, only to be chased as he was driving. The suspect continued to shoot at him, he reported to deputies.
Dispatchers told the victim to go to the police department, where he met deputies and police officers.
Deputies have a suspect, but he was uncooperative and left the scene.

Man reports being shot
Deputies went to Colleton Medical Center on Dec. 22 after a gunshot victim was reported.
The man told deputies he had just gotten home from work and was standing in the yard, looking at his phone, when he heard two males arguing at a nearby club. He then reported a white SUV left the club and heard tires squealing and 5-6 shots.
The man said he didn’t realize he had been shot until he got in his apartment and noticed his hand burning. Deputies said they could see the wound on his right hand involving his middle, index and pinkie fingers. Fragments of the projectile were still stuck in his fingers.
Deputies found a blood trail to the man’s apartment on Sizemore Road, as well as five 9mm Luger shells. Another resident of the apartments reported he heard the shots but didn’t see anyone.

ATVs reported stolen
A Round O man reported two ATVs stolen from his residence on Freeman Lane on Jan. 1.
The vehicles were in his back yard under tarps. The resident last saw them on Dec. 26.
Deputies did not find tracks or other evidence in the area. The ATVs were entered into the NCIC national stolen database.

Fraudulent loan reported
A man reported he got a call from Cash Net USA on Jan. 2 about a loan; however, the victim said he didn’t have a loan with them.
He told deputies someone allegedly used his name and social security number to borrow $1,500.

SUV occupants disappear
A deputy was attempting to stop a SUV on Hampton Street on Jan. 3 when the vehicle made its way to Happy Haven Lane and the occupants disappeared.
The deputy found the vehicle still running with the lights on and the driver’s door ajar, but no one was in the gold SUV.
A search of the vehicle turned up a crystal-like substance on the driver’s side floorboard and center console. In total, 3.35 grams of what field-tested for methamphetamine was found.
The case in under investigation.

Fight in the bathroom
A domestic argument escalated into a fight at the restroom at Circle C on Jan. 5.
The man involved went into the restroom when another man and a five-year-old entered and began choking him. The man punched him in the face and the two fell to the floor, he told officers, when a third person enter and tased him on his leg.
During an interview with deputies, the man admitted to having a knife.
Video surveillance footage showed the man enter the restroom, followed by another man, the child and then a third man. The child was shown running to the car, then back into the business with an unknown item that appeared to be a box, the report said. The two men and the child left the scene in their vehicle.

Burglary on Red Root Road
A Red Root Road resident reported a number of items were taken from their residence on Dec. 30. Gone were a bed, sofas, tv stands, firearms, a Kubota tractor, tractor attachment, riding mower, air compressor and diesel pump and tank.
The victim said her uncle had recently died and she had purchased the property in April 2017 with the stipulation that her uncle be able to live on the property until his death. She had recently changed the locks and photographed items on the property.
The victim had been in Charleston with her mother who was in the hospital. Then on Dec. 30, she got a call that all the windows to the home were broken and the front door was open.

Another scam
A man reported he received a call from a Roldolph Bell from Philadelphia about his nephew needing money for a bail bondsman on Dec. 30.
The caller instructed the victim to send $1,900 in cash to an address in Philadelphia. The man did.
Then he called his nephew. The nephew was fine.
The victim produced a tracking number for the package he sent.