The Chamber Chatter


A few words from your Chamber President

Summer is nearly upon us and we head into closing out our fiscal year. It has been an honor and pleasure serving as your representative in our community with the Chamber. We have taken tremendous strides in providing consistency and stability to the chamber over the last year and have seen great progress in strengthening previous relationships and forging new relationships moving forward. Colleton County is made up of strong and hardworking individuals who make this community their home and do their part to move us forward. I have seen this both in my personal and professional life in my tenure here with the Chamber.

We are skipping this month’s newsletter given our entry into the summer season. Baseball and recreation times are upon us, school is out, and you can almost smell the barbecue and hotdogs getting ready to fire up! We will still be promoting our businesses and share any events that our members can benefit from, but family time is upon us and many events in our community will be focused there.

We want to give a special congratulations to the 2024 Graduates of Colleton County! You are embarking on the next chapter of your life and while the challenges of High School are behind you, you will face new tests and challenges daily to continue shaping you to be the man/woman you will be. We look forward to seeing what this year’s graduates will accomplish in the years/decades to come!

Next month, we will be hosting our Annual Meeting to discuss the state of events from this fiscal year. As a Chamber member, you are invited to participate. We will be voting in our Bylaws and our new Board leadership. If you have met me in person, you know that I can talk and I will also present the wonderful work our Chamber and our members have done over the last year.

I look forward to seeing you there!