The Best Advice


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Most of the trouble I get myself into is because I trust my own understanding of the situation. Sometimes I foolishly consider myself the highest authority and think that I “know it all.” Have you ever known somebody like that? People in this frame of mind can’t be taught or told anything. They have got to fall hard and feel the impact of their ignorance. Some people learn through wisdom, but most people learn slowly and painfully from failure. Even worse, some never learn at all.

This Scripture provides an alternative to trusting our own understanding. The wise person trusts the Lord with their whole heart. The wise person obeys God, follows God, fears God, hopes in God, loves God, believes God, and is trusting God. We’re instructed to surrender all our ways to God. Looking back, if you had surrendered your ways to God, how would that have protected your life? The question is, when will you and I learn? Will we cut our losses and trust in God, or would we rather fail and fall a few more times?

Heavenly Father, we know that You are faithful and You always keep Your promises. Lord, please forgive me of my foolishness. Forgive me for being prideful and thinking that I understand how to live apart from You. Teach me that I need You. Teach me to trust in You. Lord, I trust You with my life and every day of my future. Please lead me the way You want me to go. Help me to follow you. Bless my life and make me completely Yours. In Jesus’ name, Amen.