Scripture Alone


All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

During the month of October, many Protestant Christian churches revisit the values of the Reformation. The foundational doctrine of a Protestant church is sola scriptura or “scripture alone.” The Holy Scriptures alone are the Word of God, speaking with God’s authority and revelation, for the salvation of sinful men and women. No other source carries this same authority. No additional source is needed for the full revelation of God’s plan for mankind. The Bible is all we need to know God’s heart for us. To view the Bible as less than solely authoritative is theologically unorthodox and historically unchristian.

Only the Bible is inspired or authored by God. God’s Spirit moved upon men to pen His words to the Church. This is where the authority of the Scriptures comes from. Because God wrote the Bible, we believe it to be infallible or without error as originally written. We have more archeological evidence to support the accuracy of the Bible than we have for any other ancient document. Because God’s Word is without error, we know it is true and we can put our trust and confidence in God’s Word

Forty different men who didn’t collaborate, writing at different times and places within a span of 1500 years wrote 66 different documents that perfectly fit together to create God’s complete revelation. So far, there have been around 2,000 biblical prophecies fulfilled. The odds of this are 1 in 102000, an impossibility unless you are God. The Bible continues to transform countless lives, as many of us can stand as witnesses. Will you accept the authority of the Bible to instruct and guide your life?