Inconvenience or Devastation: Think About It!


In all of our lives, and as we continue to live, we are going to experience inconvenience and devastation. Little did we know that the wrath of Hurricane Helene would catch us off guard because most did not expect what happened. Approximately 90% of Colleton County has been without power, and there was considerable damage. The awesome news, fellow citizens, we did not lose any lives. That’s enough to take a praise break right there! However, many of our neighbors in North Carolina, Florida, Kentucky, and other places cannot say the same. I just read a CNN headline as I am writing this article, “Helene Flooding Strands Hundreds of North Carolina Residents as Storm’s Death Toll Reaches 93.” Much of the village of Chimney Rock has been wiped out by massive flooding. So many people are missing and feared dead. My fellow citizens of Colleton County, although many of us are still without power, have lost all our food, and had to endure heat, which would you prefer if you had a choice: Inconvenience or Devastation? Let that sink in!

What we have experienced here is inconvenience compared to many other places. When I saw some of the most awful criticism, some to include such foul language, on Facebook about our local situation, I was in abject shock. Our local linemen and those who have come from other places to assist have been overworked, yet they have worked diligently to get our power restored. They have one of the most dangerous jobs on the planet, yet so many have shamefully maligned them beyond compare. Nobody wants to be inconvenienced. I get that because I don’t like being inconvenienced. However, when it happens, exercise patience and pray, for things could be worse.

God’s Word says, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9 ESV). Sometimes, in certain situations, we can get so impatient, putting our mouths into motion before putting out brains into action. Thus an unnecessary situation is created for lack of patience. I cannot speak for anyone else, but thanks to all who have played a part in trying to get us back to normal. We can recover from an inconvenience; however, trying to recover from devastation, the odds are insurmountable. Think about it, and let this be a humbling experience! Always abound in the faith, and never leave home without Him!