Plagiarism accusations against “Behind the Doors of Justice” author


By Dana Erickson

Source: John Mock

An accusation of plagiarism has been levied against Colleton County Clerk of Court Rebecca “Becky” Hill by her co-author Neil Gordon. The accusation was made Tuesday morning in a press release. By mutual agreement Gordon and Hill have halted sales of the book, according to Gordon.

The plagiarism was discovered when Gordon was perusing through a multitude of Hill’s official emails. He came upon an email exchange between Mrs. Hill and a BBC (British Broadcasting Company) reporter. The reporter accidentally contacted Hill via email and shared part of a pending article to be released on the infamous Murdaugh trial. Gordon commented that as he read the excerpt it became evident that Mrs. Hill had used the reporter’s words as her own in “Behind the Doors of Justice”. Gordon further commented when confronted with the matter, she admitted to the plagiarism citing writing deadlines as the reason for the transgression.

Mr. Gordon stated, “As a veteran journalist myself, I cannot excuse her behavior, nor can I condone it.” Gordon also declared he will not collaborate with Hill on any future endeavors.

Hill did apologize through a statement presented by her attorneys Will Lewis and Justin Bamberg.

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