My Sins Are Washed Away


Are you reading the Bible through with me? Grab your pen and journal, and get ready to write your thoughts as you journey through the Bible.

Read Leviticus 4-6. Just for fun, count how many times you see the words “guilt” and “guilty”. God was really trying to get His point across.

Whether we acknowledge it or not…we are ALL guilty before a holy God. Our sins cause a separation between us and God. In the Old Testament, God gave specific instructions for “sin offerings” to remove the guilt of sin. Look at all the rules God gave the people to follow to cover their sins! How exhausting to try to remember all of the rules and follow them to the letter! Thanks be to God those days are over.

For us, Jesus was that once-for-all-time sin offering. God knew there had to be a better way. He created a better, more “user friendly” way for our sins to be forgiven.

When we surrender to Him, His blood, His death removed our guilt. It’s gone! But even after surrendering to Jesus, we are prone to sin. That’s why John the apostle reminded us in 1 John 1:9 - “If we confess our sins, we can depend on Him to forgive us and cleanse us from every unrighteous stain.”

God uses guilt to correct us, but He doesn’t revisit those sins we confess to Him and ask for forgiveness. That evil voice that reminds us of some previously confessed sin that makes us feel guilty and interrupts our communication with God, comes from the Satan.

Don’t allow the guilt from confessed and forsaken sin rob you of your joy. Claim 1 John 1:9 when that guilt tries to derail your walk with God.

In your journal, list those things in your life, mind and heart that make you feel guilty. Read each one aloud, and honestly ask God for forgiveness. Then cross out that word. As far as God is concerned, that sin is forgotten. But there might be things on that list that need to be fixed, like a broken relationship that you need to repair. Resolve the situation, but remember, God has forgiven and forgotten.

Pray: El-Channun (chan-noon), Gracious God, thank for the sacrifice of Your only Son so that my sins are forgiven and my guilt washed away. While I live in this body, I must daily battle the sin nature. Strengthen me for that battle as I spend time in prayer and Your word. When I do sin, be quick to bring conviction. Help me to keep my account of sins short. Help me to be quick to confess, repent, and forsake those things in my life that do not honor You.