More Often Than Not, It’s Not About YOU


Reading the Bible Through with me? Grab your pen and journal, and get ready to write your thoughts as you journey through the Bible.

Today read Exodus 4-6. When we think of Moses, most of us picture the Michelangelo sculpture which represents a strong, courageous man, almost larger than life.

Let’s face it, Moses behaved exactly as we would have….he was scared and looking for excuses when God called him to rescue the Israelites.

When God first called Moses, He turned a staff into a snake. Next, He turned a healthy hand leprous. Last, God told Moses to pour water from the Nile on the ground and it would turn to blood.

Moses whined that he wasn’t a good speaker and God needed to get someone else, but God had a plan for Moses and knew more about the man than Moses knew about himself. He had already prepared Aaron to help Moses.

God had to prove to Moses that He was all powerful by using miracles so Moses would finally understand that he could accomplish anything if God was behind him.

Moses went to Pharoah and asked for permission to take the Israelites and go into the wilderness for a worship celebration for God. Pharoah didn’t listen to him and became more abusive with the enslaved people. They began to blame Moses and Aaron for their troubles.

Have you ever taken a stand or an action in obedience to God and had the situation get worse? It happens. It happened to Moses.

Write about your experience in your journal.

Moses could have grown bitter or discouraged or even quit, but he didn’t. He pulled away, got into God’s presence and asked, ‘Why?’ (5:17-23). In 6:1, God answered his question.

For Moses and for us, one principle must be clear…it’s not about us. It’s about God and His purpose, His Plan, His Power, His Way, and His Time.

When you spend time in God’s presence and you commit to obey His word and His will, don’t give up when things get worse. After all, He is El Shaddai - God Almighty, the all-sufficient One. Trust, Obey, and Persist until HE brings victory.

Write in your journal how you can be more like Moses.

Pray: El Shaddai (el shaddeye), You are the Almighty God, the all-sufficient One. Whatever my circumstances, strengthen me so that I might trust You more, obey you faithfully, and persist with patience until You bring Yourself glory through my life.