Mitchells Celebrate 64th Anniversary


Bishop Elliott and Sister Sadye N. Mitchell, Paster and Founders of the Whosoever Will Prayer Band Holiness Church, are celebrating 64 years if marriage. The couple married August 31, 1959, in Dorchester County.

They will be honored on Sunday Sep. 3, 2023, at 3:00 pm with service and dinner at their church. The Mitchells have been blessed with seven children, 18 grandchildren, 8 great-grandchildren, 3 great-great grandchildren and many other “children”, having served as foster parents for 31 years.

Their secret for a happy marriage:

“We keep a close relationship, as everyone knows, we go and do everything together. Put God First. Scripture says, ‘What God has joined together let no man put asunder.’ St. Mark 10:9.