Meet the Candidates for County Council

Mark Williams


What responsibilities come under the purview of County Council? What are the functions of a Councilmember?

Setting county priorities, budgetary agenda, implementing the long term plan for the county regarding the health, education, economic and livability for all county residents as well as set the priorities for county government.

To listen, evaluate issues coming before council, study proposals brought before council and determine if they fit into the long and short term goal of the county. To be the representative of the people in the western portion of the county with responsibility for the entire county.

• In your view, what are the most pressing issues facing our county and how do you envision addressing these issues collaboratively with other elected officials and the community stakeholders?

I feel that the most pressing issues are housing, education, long range planning involving development, infrastructure investment and collaboration (both public & private partnerships) as well as livability (Recreation along with youth and elderly programs).

We need more interaction between various agencies and private stakeholders.

• Economic Development is a key priority facing our county’s growth. In your view, what are the most pressing economic development issues facing our county?

In my opinion the most pressing economic development issues facing the county are education, healthcare and the need to continue to support law enforcement as well as fire & rescue.

• For the entire county, including Edisto, Cottageville, Lodge, Walterboro, Smoaks, etc., community engagement is crucial for effective governance. How do you plan to engage with residents and solicit their input on important county issues and how do you ensure that diverse voices are heard and considered in the decision-making process?

I feel that a way to increase community engagement would be to consider having forums to discuss individual & county wide issues.