Meet the Candidates for County Council

Johnny Frank


What responsibilities come under the purview of County Council? What are the functions of a Councilmember?

A County Council member provides leadership and makes decisions to support the effective operation of Colleton County government. They establish policies to govern the county and hire a County Administrator to carry out those policies. They set a budget for county operations that ensures tax payers’ money is being spent wisely and that the needs of the residents are being met. They must seek alternative funding sources to offset the tax burden on our citizens. They serve, represent and seek input from all citizens and communities of Colleton County to give them a voice in the decision-making process. Let me be a voice for you!

• In your view, what are the most pressing issues facing our county, and how do you envision addressing these issues collaboratively with other elected officials and community stakeholders?

Education, crime, jobs, and housing are some of the biggest issues facing our county. Issues facing our schools are not just school problems, they are community problems. We must partner with Education Leaders to support the needs of our current and future workforce. Crime in the community flows over to the school and disrupts learning. We must determine how to better support law enforcement so they can address crime and increase services to all areas of our county. We need to bring the right businesses to our County with quality jobs so our residents can better support their families. Lack of affordable housing must be addressed to provide our residents, and future residents, with places to live.

Positive relationships must be established between County Council, Educational Leaders, Walterboro City Council, community leaders and local churches to build a team with a united vision for Colleton County. Working together, we can improve the quality of life for of all residents of Colleton County.

• Economic development is a key priority for our county’s growth. In your view, what are the most pressing economic development issues facing our county?

Colleton County must plan now for the infrastructure to support economic growth and development. This includes roads, water, sewer, housing, and an educated work force. However, we must be intentional about the way the growth occurs in order to maintain the beauty and charm of our community. We must bring the right industries to Colleton County. Ones that will be a partner in our community. Ones that will bring good paying jobs. Ones that will bring prosperity to every person and every family.

Economic development will bring hope to our community. Hope for a better future.

• For the entire county, including Edisto, Cottageville, Lodge, Walterboro, Smoaks, etc, community engagement is crucial for effective governance. How do you plan to engage with residents and solicit their input on important county issues and how do you ensure that diverse voices are heard and considered in the decision making process?

I plan to continue engaging with all residents just like I have been doing for years. I talk to people when I see them and I listen to what they have to say. I answer the phone when someone calls and I return phone calls if I can’t answer. Through my small business, I visit homes across Colleton County almost daily. I see people where they live. I hear their concerns and I see their needs. Elect Johnny Frank to County Council and let me be a voice for you, the citizens of Colleton County.