Is Jesus God, Part 4: What is left to say? | Faith


Thank you for sticking with me for these four parts. If you have not read the last three, I highly encourage you to do so. I promise, it will be a blessing.

Well, is He? Is Jesus God? We have looked at what the writers of the Jewish Holy Scriptures (our Old Testament) said about the coming of the Messiah, the one who would be the Savior of mankind. We have looked at the New Testament accounts of Jesus, as well. Its authors, the apostles, recorded the life and earthly ministry of the man whom they called the Christ. And lastly, we delved into several (non-Christian) historical accounts of the man from Nazareth, and how the historians of these accounts understood the historical impact of this single man.

So, what is there left to say? The Old Testament prophesied of His coming. The New Testament revealed His divinity. And, history confirmed that His life was historical fact. But I have saved this last part for the most important question of all: What do you say about Jesus?

Our hearts know of God. We cannot deny we know of Him. From inside our hearts and minds to the grand nature before us, all the works of His hands testify of their Creator. We are created by this Creator, for this Creator.

But we have sinned and fallen out of relationship with this holy God. Sin’s stain on our life is a cancerous stain and will separate us from God forever in Hell. Without God, we are lost. But thanks be to God, Christ Jesus came to save that which was lost.

He was simply not another religious teacher among countless others. He was not just another prophet. He is not the Angel Michael. He is not but a god among other gods. He is not created. He has no equal, and He never will. For if any of these were true, He could not save. No, He was, is and will forevermore be God — the second person of the trinity. He and the Father are one. He is the eternal Word of God made incarnate. He lived a sinless life, died as an atonement for sin, was buried and raised bodily.

He is the Lord, the good Shepherd, the Christ, the Messiah, the only Savior. He is God, and He is the only way to life after death.

Trust in Him! Trust in Him and His death for the forgiveness of your sins. Give your life to Him, and you will have eternal life. Will you do that today? Why wait? Be saved by this precious Savior and become, forevermore, a child of God.

If you have any questions, please write me. I would love to hear from you. Until next week, God bless you all.

(Jeremy Breland is a farmer in Ruffin and a M.Div. student at Southern Seminary. He can be reached at