Airport Commission holds May meeting


The Airport Commission conducted its May meeting at the Lowcountry Regional Airport May 6, 2024.

The first item on the agenda was the bidding on the rehabilitation of runway 523 project. The commission had received the bid tabulation results. There was only one bidder which was Banks Construction. Now the bid must be submitted to the FAA for them to review and they are in the process of doing that right now. Also, regarding the federal funding of runway 523, the FAA has not received its full authorization for funds from Congress. However, the Airport Commission is planning ahead with planning so they will be ready when the funding comes in.

The second item addressed some roof leakage in the large hanger and the airport engineer was authorized to call in a specialist to do a study to assess what needs to be done to prevent the leakage.

Another item discussed was possibly having another air show in the same fashion as “Wings and Wheels” where there are static aircraft displays and concessions and vendors. The plan is to look forward to Aviation Week in 2025 which would allow time for assessing feasibility and planning if it is decided to have the event.

County Council conducted a first reading (in a process of three readings) on entering the USDA Rural Development loan as a sponsor for the construction of the new fuel farm and T hangers. This will allow the airport engineer to begin working on the specifications of the fuel farm and the hangers. Upon the final reading from County Council the airport will be able to put those in.