My son, do not despise the LORD’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.
Proverbs 3:11-12
Parenting is hard work. Many don’t want to do it anymore, and unfortunately it is the children who must pay the price for neglectful parenting. As a child, I did not understand my father’s discipline. I resented it. The Scripture teaches us that discipline or correction is an act of love. If a father loves his children, he will correct them when they are wrong in order to teach them better.
God loves us too much to let us continue doing wrong. God is a good Father and He will discipline us to teach us how to live our life. When God disciplines you, do you resent it? Does your heart turn sour and bitter? Or is God’s discipline a reminder that you belong to Him and God loves you as His precious child? It is the mercy of God that stops us from going down the wrong path of life. The bad news: if God isn’t disciplining you, you are no child of His.
Heavenly Father, thank You for every time You have disciplined me! Thank You for claiming me as Your own and proving Your love by showing me my wrong and correcting me. You are a good Father and You know the right way to bring up Your children. Your ways are perfect. You are the Good Shepherd. Please help my heart to not resent Your loving correction, even when it hurts for the moment. Help me not to be stubborn or hard-hearted. Let me learn from You. Help me to follow where You lead. In Jesus’ wonderful name, Amen.