Who Loves the Resurrection?


In our nation, one third of adults do not believe that Jesus is God or the Son of God. One third of American adults do not believe the resurrection of Jesus is factual. But some of them still find the story of the resurrection of Jesus inspiring because of its metaphorical value. It is like the idea of the phoenix rising from the ashes and the darkest before dawn cliché.

Most Americans like the concept of Easter. Some spiritualize it. They do not buy into a bodily resurrection of Jesus but will accept that He might live on in the hearts, minds, and lives of those who believe in Him. This is akin to the false religion of humanism, believing that every human has a “spark” of the divine within. If you spiritualize the resurrection, you miss the powerful life-changing truth of that glorious event.

Most Americans still claim that Easter is a celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, but there is an issue. The issue is that far too many are too comfortable with the Easter story. Tim Keller, the late pastor of Redeemer Church in New York City said, “There should only be one of two reactions to Easter. Either it should terrify you or fill you with ecstatic joy!” If you are just comfortable with Easter, you might have spiritualized it or just have not fully processed how Easter applies and impacts your life.

If this Easter reality terrifies you, perhaps God the Father is drawing you to Jesus because you know that if you die today without Jesus, your only resurrection will be at the Great White Throne (Revelation20:1-15) where you will be rejected by the One you have rejected. If this Ester reality fills you with joy, hope, peace, and confidence, it is likely that you serve Jesus with a whole heart or even at a distance.

Indeed, Jesus was raised from the dead with a body of flesh and bone, and He now sits at the right hand of God the Father where He continually intercedes for those who trust Him. As we approach the celebration of His resurrection, remember:

He is Lord! (Luke 24:44-48). He will change you! (2 Corinthians 5:17)

You can have Him! (John 1:12). He is risen! He is risen indeed!