Reading through the Bible with me? Then grab your pen and journal and read Job 40-42. All of us have had the experience. That experience when you open your mouth before engaging the brain or the heart. It happens when we do not have complete information. In other words, we lack the understanding to speak on the subject.
When Job was confronted by God, God challenged him about his questions. Check out Job 42:2-3. Throughout this narrative, Job had desired one thing - to know where God was and to make his case to Him. When God finally revealed Himself, Job realized that His Presence melted away the questions and doubts. That can be true for us. Whatever you might be going through, getting into God’s Presence can be affirming, encouraging, healing, and even change your perspective.
Sometimes, even when you get the answers we request, it does little to ease our pain. Yet, when you that answers are not always enough, there is Jesus! The One Who can bring joy in suffering, hope in the face of loss, and peace amid chaos. The psalmist wrote “You reveal the path of life to me; in Your Presence is abundant joy...” (Psalm 16:11)
When you do not understand, when you do not have answers, be persistent in seeking the Lord God, because when He reveals Himself, you will find peace in His presence. Want a great song about this?? Check out the Scott Wesley Browne song, “When Answers Aren’t Enough” on YouTube.
Next week, we will begin exploring some Old Testament prophecies about he first coming of the Lord Jesus!