Taking a Stand


Esther and Ruth are the only books in the Bible named for women. Esther is one of two books of the Bible where God is not mentioned by name though His presence and fingerprints are all over the book. In chapter one, King Ahasuerus (Xerxes) throws a party for his officials. It became a wild, drunken affair. Xerxes’ wife, Vashti, was known for her beauty, so Xerxes summoned her to parade her beauty before his subjects. Vashti refused his command and was dethroned as a result. Though apparently not a God-fearer, she took a strong moral stand even though it costs her. Obviously, she was a woman of courage and strength.

We can take these events metaphorically. Xerxes desires and actions represents a fleshly or natural world view while Vashti’s decision represents a more biblical or godly world view. When the two clashed, her conviction cost Vashti her position.

More important, the vacancy resulting from Vashti’s courageous conviction would soon be filled by Esther. She would be instrumental in saving the Jews from extinction. God knows, He has a plan, and He weaves it in ways often unseen by or known to us. And sometimes He uses the most unlikely people and circumstances to accomplish His plan.

What was true in the Book of Esther is true of your life as well. God has a plan. It begins with you developing a biblical worldview with convictions that will stand firm against the populist worldview.