SCGSAH celebrates 25th anniversary


The South Carolina Governor’s School of Arts and Humanities celebrated its 25th anniversary with a stop at the South Carolina Artisans Center August 17, 2024. President Cedric Adderley was in attendance to speak to the attendees praising SCGSAH, the opportunities it offers to students, and to encourage those who may be considering to attend the school. According to SCGSAH, the reception was to say “thank you to the local community of arts advocates, educators, donors, alumni, and their families who have made the past 25 years possible and to celebrate the growth of arts education in South Carolina.” Alumni Grant and Emma Barnes McClure were also in attendance. Mr. McClure pursued creative writing while at SCGSAH and Mrs. McClure was in the visual arts program. Mr. McClure spoke about his time at the school and how it affected him not only academically but as an individual. McClure works for Coastal Conservation League and having a background in creative writing allows him to convey his passion for the environment and its well-being in his work.

The residential high school opened its doors in 1999 and is located in Greenville, South Carolina. The school offers a multitude of programs for those interested in pursuing the arts and humanities such as:


Creative writing




Visual arts which includes:


Industrial Design



CGI & Game Art

Graphic Design






Academics are also important at SCGSAH. The Governor’s School achieved a graduation and college acceptance rate of 100% and students also consistently score higher than the state wide averages on the SAT and ACT.

For more information on the South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities visit