Party Time


I love the gospel message in Luke 15. It is a wonderful chapter of grace, mercy, and God’s love. It begins by telling us that all sorts of “undesirable’ and “unsavory” characters were getting close enough to Jesus to hear the stories that he told. His demeanor and attitude were so welcoming that the religious elites of His day complained openly about His willingness to welcome and even eat with sinners. Knowing what they were thinking and saying, Jesus told three stories. He told of a shepherd who left ninety-nine sheep in an open field while he searched for and found a lone, lost sheep. He told them of a woman who had ten silver coins. That was quite a sum for a first century middle eastern woman. But she lost one in her home. She tossed the house until she found the coin. Finally, He told the story of the prodigal son, the loving Father, and the narcissistic older brother. You know that type.

When we read, study, or preach this chapter, we tend to glance over the first two stories and zero in on the prodigal. I think many of us can identify with him. But I want you to focus on the first two stories for a moment. In verses seven and ten, we get a little glimpse of heaven. Jesus said after each story, “I tell you, in the same way, there will be more joy in Heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous people who do not need repentance.” How great is that! Jesus Himself tells us that the residents of Heaven are more concerned over the salvation of a single lost soul than a church filled with religious people.

After the story of lost coin, Jesus said, “I tell you, in the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels over one sinner who repents.” Joy in the presence of the angels? What that means is that God is doing the rejoicing! To illustrate that truth, Jesus tells the story of the prodigal son and the boundless joy of his father when he humbly returned. Then, he threw a party!

Far too often, we in the church want people to clean up before they come. The truth is that when the Father draws a lost one to Jesus (John 6:44), He meets them where they are, whatever they are doing, and however they appear. Just like that father in the story did. He ran to meet his son who was lost, but now was found. He embraced that young man despite the odor, the appearance, or the sinful past. When a seeking sinner enters your space, do not be like the older brother. Enjoy the party because in Heaven, our Heavenly Father is celebrating a new birth with boundless joy! Read these parables in Luke 15 and become a party-planner! Matthew 28:18-20