Because I live, you also will live.
John 14:19
What do you place your hope in? What gives you the motivation to keep going when life is overwhelming and difficult? Most people, without stopping to realize it, hope in themselves. Many have placed their hope in the goodness of humanity and the advancement of our global civilization. Some hope in education, science, and government. Humanity will always disappoint us because we are flawed people. To put your hope in anyone merely human will always end in disappointment.
Jesus taught that we could depend upon Him. Jesus is both God and man at the same time. He lived a sinless, perfect life and died in our place for our sins. But Jesus did not end in the grave. He rose again to new resurrection life. It is His victory over death that authenticates His identity and message while also guaranteeing His promises to us. Jesus said, “Because I live, you also will live.” Everyone who belongs to Jesus will live, because Jesus is alive forever.
This is a sure anchor for your hope. Jesus is the only foundation worth building a life upon. Jesus is the highest purpose and goal for your life and only Jesus is worth your heart’s worship. Would you consider surrendering your life to Jesus? Reach out to a local pastor and speak with them about trusting Jesus with your life. I’d love to meet you.
Heavenly Father, I confess that I’ve put my hope and trust in foolish things. I’m tired of being disappointed. I want to trust someone who will never let me down. Help me to trust Jesus. Give me the faith to believe Jesus is God’s Son who died to forgive me of my sins. Bring me to repent of my past sins and turn toward God. I give You my heart and I ask You to lead me in a relationship with You the rest of my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.