Letter to the Editor


My Country
Tis Of Thee
Dear Editor:
The very soul of this country is now at risk. Our nation from the very beginning has been a unique one-of-a-kind creation in the history of the world, that God breathed life into. Our forefathers then laid a firm foundation for those who came after to build what we have today.
Has any human that has lived between then and now been a perfect person? Of course not. Is there any end to all race, gender, religion, faith, etc. etc. Nope!
We have to remember the past in order to live well in the present and try to achieve a better future. People like George Washington, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. , Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson, just to name a few, had areas in which they fell short because they were imperfect people.

The good far outweighs the bad. So, I would argue that their failures were more of an accomplisment than any communist anarchist will ever achieve in life. At least most of the men and women who have come before us, famous or unfamous, have mostly tried to better themselves, thus improving our great nation.
On our worst day what we have is far better than what anarchy has to offer. We all are seeing this. Reasonable people everywhere have to be asking themselves, hey — we are having to deal with the weaponized Chinese virus and now this! Of course, peaceful protesting is healthy and necessary, and it is our right as a free people. Words won’t change hearts, but changing our thinking can birth a new conviction of the heart. Yes, we have issues, we have injustices, we fall down, but it is not so bad that we should throw the baby out with the bathwater. A wise man I once knew told me, “Your country right or wrong, but your country.”
This is our home turf, our home team, our house. We either use it or lose it. Live free or die trying. This is our country, no one else’s, to take away from us. We are a good people. We are a generous people. We are a forgiving people and, last but not least, we are a resilient people. Make your voices heard in the way that you choose. It will make a difference. All is not lost. Yet!

Randy Brengle