In an evidentiary hearing held January 29, 2024 Colleton County Clerk of Court Rebecca “Becky” Hill, testified to the accusations of jury tampering. Murdaugh’s motion for a new trial rested on the accusation that Hill tampered with the jury during the double murder trial of Alex Murdaugh, where he was found guilty. The burden of proof rested with Murdaugh’s defense team with former State of South Carolina Supreme Court Justice Jean Toal stating that Murdaugh had to “show that the clerk had made an improper comment and that influenced the jury.” Throughout the questioning from Chief Prosecuting Attorney for the State of South Carolina Creighton Waters, Murdaugh defense attorney Dick Harpootlian, and from Judge Toal, Hill denied the allegations of jury tampering stating at one point that she did not have a conversation about anything related to the trial with any juror. During her rendering of the verdict Judge Toal said that while she found that comments made by Hill did not influence the jury, she was not credible as a witness and that Hill “was attracted by the siren call of celebrity”. Toal also noted that “fleeting and foolish comments by a publicity influenced clerk of court” does not require a new trial. The SLED investigations into Mrs. Hill’s actions and conduct are still ongoing. The investigations are regarding Mrs. Hill’s interactions with the jury of the Murdaugh trial, and secondly, regarding whether she used her public office for personal gain.