Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Who do you receive the most encouragement from? We all need a circle of supportive friends who will tell us the hard truth when we need it and encourage us along the way. Everyone needs to be encouraged and built up. In the hardships of life, we tend to feel isolated and alone in our struggles. Life was not meant to be lived alone. Would you consider becoming a regular attender of a church in your area?
Colleton county is blessed to have many Bible-teaching, Gospel-preaching churches. The Christian faith is not meant to be practiced in isolation but enjoyed in community. Most of the books of the New Testament were originally written to believers that belonged to specific churches. Believers are meant to gather together. Who in your life knows how to pray for your needs?
Unfortunately, we have developed some wrong ideas about belonging to a church. The New Testament never mentions a believer who is not a part of a church, yet in our day many claim Christ while denying His Church. In our consumer culture, people are tempted to evaluate a local church on the basis of what it has to offer their family instead of committing to a church in order to serve the congregation.
Christ established His Church at the cost of His own life. Would you honor His sacrifice by committing to His Church?