Meet the Class of 2020 Spring Athletes: Hannah Wilson


Soccer, Colleton Prep Academy
Daughter of Connie and Ricky Wilson of Walterboro
Position: Center Back
Planning to play in college? No
GPA: 5.3
Future aspirations? Clemson University, Go Tigers!
Intended Field of Interest: Health Sciences
Career Interest? Pediatrician
Academic Honors: National Junior Honor Society (9), National Honor Society (10-11), NHS President, Junior Class Secretary, Senior Class Secretary, Miss War Hawk
Athletic Honors: Soccer Team Captain (2018, 2019, 2020), Defensive MVP (2018, 2019)
What other sports have you played? Volleyball and softball in middle school.
At what age did you begin playing soccer? I started playing soccer at the age of four, but it was my sophomore year of high school when I was able to play for Colleton Prep for the first time.

What one word describes you? Caring
Who was your favorite teacher and why? My favorite teacher is Mrs. Smith. She has been my teacher a few times throughout my time at Colleton Prep and was also my class sponsor. I was able to work with Mrs. Smith on prom last year and the yearbook this school year. While we were able to work on big projects, Mrs. Smith easily became someone who I could turn to if I needed help, whether it was something for school or just life advice.
How has athletics made you a better student? Having little free time because of practices and games made me become organized when I needed to get my schoolwork done. Playing soccer pushed me to get my work done as soon as possible or whenever I could, so I would not have to stay up late after a game to finish some of my homework. It also gave me less time to procrastinate because I had a smaller amount of time available to me to get my work done.
Fondest memory in your athletic career? My last game played is my favorite memory from soccer. We were able to have a last-minute senior night, which was a great surprise. I truly appreciate everyone who made that possible. Special thanks Mrs. Amy Spears. We won the game but that is not what made the game so special. My teammates truly made the day special by not only playing the best we have played, but by reveling in the memories we have all created together.
If your high school athletic career were a movie, what one song would be on the soundtrack? “Senior Year” by Drew Baldridge
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? Caring for someone or something too much is better than not caring at all.
If you could ask our President one question, what would it be? At what point in your life did you realize that all your hard work was worth it?
Sports heroes? Alex Morgan and Becky Sauerbrunn
Favorite thing about self-distancing during COVID-19? My favorite thing would be going on morning walks with my dad.
Top-5 must haves while self-distancing? Netflix, Facetime, my family, my dog, and chips and dip
It is Senior Night. Ready, set, go. Thank you to everyone who came out today to support me and my teammates today. Thank you for everyone and this sport that impacted my life in such a positive way. I do not know where I would be without this sport and everyone who helped me get here today.