Managing Distractions


Reading the Bible through with me? Then grab your pen and journal and read Nehemiah 4-6. As Nehemiah prepares to get down to work in Jerusalem, Sanballat and Tobiah began to abuse, badger, irritate, and malign him and his fellow workers. This is usually the case when someone obeys the call of God, becomes a follower of Jesus, and begins the journey of faith. This life, the Christian Life, is about transformation. The Christian does not change himself. It is God Who does the transforming, using circumstances, people, challenges, failures, victories to conform us to the image of His Son. (See Romans 8:28-29). The Christian Life is about becoming more like Jesus.

BUT, when that process begins, opposition is inevitable. Our flesh rebels, friends and family often do not understand or support, and there will be overt and covert attacks from the devil. We would do well to remember that when the enemy comes at us, his goal is two-tiered. First, he will try to discredit God’s word. Second, he will try to disrupt God’s work. This is what happened to Nehemiah, and it will happen to anyone who takes their faith and calling seriously. It is never a matter of IF some opposition comes. It is always a matter of WHEN it comes.

How do you manage it? Follow Nehemiah’s example. You pray. You leave the matter in God’s hands. You keep pressing forward in God’s work.

This was Nehemiah’s strategy and 52 days later, the walls of the city were intact with no flaws.

Who or what is opposing you in your walk with and work for God right now? Pray, Release, and Pursue! Pray diligently for God’s protection and intervention. Release it into His hands. Then faithfully pursue all that He has called you to do.