The January program for the P.E.P (People Enjoying People) Club was postponed until another date, but club member Dolce Ann Cone saved the day by presenting a program of making clothes pin dolls. She brought a doll she made years ago, Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, and she also brought paper bags with clothes pins and all the materials needed to make the dolls. Those who wanted to make a doll were able to take the bags home and will present their finished products at the next meeting to be judged.
February’s program will feature Larry Duncan. Mr. Duncan will be singing a variety of songs accompanying himself on guitar.
The P.E.P. Club is a senior club for anyone over 50 and meets the last Tuesday of the month at the Recreation Center in the Industrial Area at 12:00. Lunch is served and a program presented. Door prizes are given and Bingo is played. Your first visit is free, and if you join annual dues are $5.00. For more information call club president Norma Weeks at 843-538-8950.