Colleton County School Board Amended Special Meeting


The Colleton County School Board held an Amended Special Board Meeting April 9, 2024. The Welcome and Call to Order was given by Chairperson, Sharon Witkin.

Board member Mrs. Mary Jones was not present leaving 6 total board members present.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Invocation was given.

All Board Members then recited the Civility Pledge:

“I pledge to build a stronger and more effective school board by advocating for civil engagement, respecting others, and their viewpoints and finding solutions for the betterment of my school district.”

Chairperson Witkin called for a motion to approve the agenda. A motion for agenda approval was made, seconded, and carried.

Chairperson Witkin called for a motion to enter into executive session. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to discuss the following:

Executive Session

3.01 Discussion of personnel matter

3.02Discussion of Superintendent Contractual

Upon return Chairperson Witkin called for a motion to enter back into open session. A motion was made, seconded, and carried.

A motion was then made to authorize the Board Chair to execute a contract to employ Mrs. Jessica Williams as Superintendent as said contract was reviewed in executive session. The motion seconded. A call for any discussion was issued. Board Member Stivender stated a vote to support this contract is a vote to support the superintendent. He did not agree on one point of the contract which he indicated had been discussed at length. He also did not know if this point would make or break his vote that tonight. The reason Stivender gave for his disagreement on the contract was, “I think it’s hard for us to require our district to be fiscally responsible and continue to harp on them to save money; cut, cut and then we not do the same on our end. I don’t whole heartedly agree with the whole contract, however it may or may not affect my vote.”

The matter was then voted on and the motion carried 6-0.

Chairperson Witkin called for a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded and carried.