CC School Board Update


Special Board Meeting June 27, 2023

A special meeting of the Colleton County School Board was called to order 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 27, 2023. All Board members were present and Interim Superintendent Jessica Williams attended the meeting by phone. The first order of business was the agenda which was approved.

During the public input portion of the meeting Colleton County High School graduates who completed their CNA certification were recognized. Eighteen students completed the course for the spring semester. Not only did the students complete their hours of study they also completed their clinicals at the Veteran’s Victory House.

The 2023-2024 budget and the capital improvement projects were next on the agenda. The budget was passed with a vote of four yays and 3 nays. The capital improvements project for the fiscal year of 2024 was passed with concerns regarding some projects such as a banner to be placed on the home side of the Colleton County High School football stadium and whether the paving project for the bus lot at Colleton County Middle School would include the sixth-grade side (it currently does not include the sixth-grade side). The capital improvement projects were passed with five yays and two nays. The Board then retired to executive session. Upon return from executive session a vote was taken on item 5.01 Discussion of employment matters re: hirings/resignations. The item was carried with a unanimous vote. The meeting then adjourned.