Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. ® Names Valerie Williams Ancrum Soror of the Year


Every year the chapters of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® select one of their members as Soror of the Year. In February 2024 Xi Omega Omega Chapter of Walterboro, South Carolina named Valerie Williams Ancrum as their 2023 Soror of the Year. She was ecstatic and pleasantly surprised to receive this superior honor, as she said about her work in the sorority, “I was doing what comes natural to me!”

Mrs. Ancrum is a graduate of Walterboro High School. In 1997 she graduated from South Carolina State University in Orangeburg, South Carolina, having earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, with a Concentration in Management. In 2004 she received a Master’s in Business Administration from Webster University in North Charleston, South Carolina. With much pride and humility, she became a member of the sorority in 1997. Since becoming a part of Xi Omega Omega Chapter, she has served as recording, assistant, and financial secretary and has chaired one of the sorority’s international initiatives, “Uplift Our Local Community,” and was the chairman of the first Greek Fest. The Greek Fest was a phenomenal success and proudly made Fox 24 News. Valerie frequently assists voluntarily in service with other committees within the sorority as well.

A very active member of the community, Valerie has also belonged to several other organizations such as NTCA Political Action Committee, Director (2020 – Present), NTCA Regulatory Affairs & Industry Committee (2015 and 2017- Present) and Walterboro Rotary (2019).

Professionally, Valerie is a dependable, hardworking telecommunications professional with twenty years of experience in the telecom industry. She has been employed with Palmetto Rural Telephone Cooperative, Walterboro, South Carolina from October 2003 to the present. Currently, she is a Regulatory Affairs Manager. Prior to assuming her roles at PRTC, she has been employed in several other positions within the county.

Sororities are frequently referred to and defined as a “sisterhood.” Valerie defines a “sisterhood” as “a group of women, not necessarily related by blood, who can depend on each other.” When asked how she felt upon discovering that she was Soror of the Year, her response was: “I was overwhelmed with gratitude because I have always been a behind-the-scenes type of person who does not look for recognition. It was an emotional moment, and I was in shock!” She was further asked what is one special thing that she would like for the community to know about her sorority. Humbly, she responded, “Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® is a ‘lifelong’ commitment, and we take pride in doing good in the community. We are more than parties and wearing pink and green. Our sorority is loving, compassionate, and we believe in God. We are human, we are not perfect, and a few ‘bad apples’ should not overshadow what our founders’ mission for the sorority is all about. We are about ‘service to all mankind.’ I know that Xi Omega Omega exemplifies that in Walterboro and surrounding areas, and that’s why I am proud to be associated with this sorority and chapter.”

Speaking in general about life itself, Mrs. Ancrum feels, “We live in a world where everyone has so much going on, and we don’t get to see or talk to our family and friends as much as we would like, but I read a quote years ago that has stuck with me. ‘Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know that they are always there.’ I may not see or talk to you every day, but know if you need me, I'll be there.” One of her favorite Scriptures is “I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). She concluded, “With God in my life and in my heart, there is nothing I can’t do!” She and her husband Melvin are proud parents of two children in the Colleton County School District.

Mrs. Sylvia J. Williams, the chapter’s president shared, “Valerie is a jewel of a sister to the Xi Omega Omega Chapter. The hard work and thoroughness she applies toward committee work, chapter operations, and community outreach is without exception. We appreciate her for all she has done, is doing, and will do to uphold the mission of Alpha Kappa Alpha and Xi Omega Omega.” The officers and members of Xi Omega Omega Chapter proudly salute and congratulate Mrs. Valerie Williams Ancrum, a woman who is most deserving, as their Soror of the Year!