YLM: It’s more than a statement


“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”

John 3:16-17 KJV

In light of my last article, I believe it is most necessary for a detailed follow-up.

Your Life Matters!

This is more than a statement; it is a movement. A movement that has the potential for changing the current culture of violence and hate that has gripped every person in this country with fear and/or a desire to do something about the shape we are in as a nation.

I for one am willing and wanting to see America heal from her wounds and regroup as one nation under God as we were intended from the founding of this blessed country. We cannot hope to prosper or be an influence for right in the world if we don’t “get our act together”. The only way forward is to look at what each and every one of us can agree on…your life matters.

Whether we ever can agree on the fringe or peripheral labels within society, we agree that we don’t want to be hurt by violence. I don’t want some angry person yelling at and killing me. You don’t want your house burned or business ransacked and looted. It has nothing to do with what else you and I may agree or disagree upon, we can agree that our individual life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is important to us and we want peace and prosperity to flourish again.

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have been taught or believe, Your Life Matters. It matters because God said so! It matters because I say so. It matters because you say so. Words alone are not ever enough, action must follow our words if we are to see anything come to its full potential. God said YLM and He gave you life and a way to live forever in Heaven with Him.

I say YLM and I am writing to open someone’s eyes to the fact and truth of their individual importance to me and this community. You can say, YLM, but I hope you will follow it up with some act of inclusion and kindness that reaches beyond the cultural barriers we see springing up all around us every day. These barriers are not meant to help us, but on the contrary, they are there to keep us divided and giving some a reason to fear and to hate. Who keeps bringing up race and color? Who keeps bringing up hate and violence? Stop. On the other side of your argument and hatefulness is a real human being with a life that matters to God, matters to me, and matters to them.

Whoever you are that feels isolated and alone…YLM.

If you are struggling with fear of this COVID-19 pandemic…YLM.

If you are one who has been abused or betrayed or misused…YLM.

If you are addicted or trafficked or homeless…YLM.

If you are an immigrant or a Veteran or a business owner…YLM.

If you are suicidal or suffer from PTSD or are jobless…YLM.

If you are a single parent…YLM.

If you are and orphan or divorced or depressed…YLM.

If you are a victim or lonely or scared…YLM.

Your Life Matters!

Your Life Matters to God Who Created you and knows all there is to know about you, your past, your current situation, and the future He has planned for you.

Your Life Matters to me, as a fellow human being and the Man of God, I am reaching out to someone today to tell you that you are IMPORTANT and you are LOVED…YOUR LIFE MATTERS!

YLM is not limited to one cultural diversity versus another. YLM does not close the door of opportunity to one race in favor of another (for when you understand that we were ALL created in the image of Almighty God then you understand there is but ONE race and that is the human race) This in itself eliminates the hate and rhetoric of “racism” and the systematic division of

our country and the breakdown of true civilization.

YLM is the fact we can all agree on. Whether you believe in ANY of the other groups or not, YLM is personal and has the potential to change your life, our community, this country, and all of eternity.

Consider for a moment what it would mean to our society if every person stopped yelling for a minute and looked at themselves and one another with this motto, “YLM”. We could have decent and profitable conversations about the needed reforms and upgrades to our current civilization. We could calmly approach the fears that drive so much of the hate and alleviate those fears with truth and compassion. It REALLY works! Try living today as if EVERY single person you meet has eternal value and their life matters. Give it a try! Watch how one person can make a difference in a household, a workplace, a community, and a culture. Jesus Christ showed us the way by loving us and laying down His Life to reach out to ours.

God Bless!