Where’s the Peace?



t a time when circumstances in the world seem to point to the imminent return of Jesus, peace is an ever-present theme. My lifetime has been filled with peace conferences, peace treaties, peace accords, and peace movements.  Now the world seems more volatile than ever. Perhaps humans are incapable of bringing lasting peace to a broken world. Truthfully, no human entity, no government, and not even a religion can bring peace or unity to humankind.

Yet, the theme of peace permeates God’s word.  In the beginning there was peace in the Garden of Eden. God saw ALL that He had created was very good!   At the end of scripture in Revelation 22, scripture closes with eternal peace in a new heaven and new earth. What happens between Genesis 2 and Revelation 22 is simple.  First, God’s plan for humanity involves peace, but Satan opposes it in every way possible. Second, entered the world in Genesis 3. The lack of peace in the world has always been a by-product of our sin. Genesis 1:31; Romans 16:20

We give prizes for peace, form groups (UN) for peace, and even try to legislate peace (Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact of 1927). Nothing works! War, crime, terrorism, family breakdowns, suicides, and a plethora of mental and emotional disorders plaque humanity. Peace seems an impossibility, yet Jesus says, “Blessed are the peacemakers …” Why?

  Peace is more than the absence of conflict and division. It IS the presence of righteousness. It’s found within a love that only Jesus can bring into someone’s life. He is the only Source for real peace. Ephesians. 2:14

When we submit to the Lord Jesus, HE becomes our Peace.  Sin brings disaster and dissension into our world. IT instigated the first murder and set man against man.  It cost Moses his chance to enter the promised land. It brought depression and insanity into King Saul’s life. It ripped King David’s life and family apart for generations.  It set nation against nation, man against man for over 4000 years.  Is it any wonder that the angels announcing the birth of Jesus said, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth, Peace…” Colossians 1:19-20 

At the cross God made real peace possible.  And when we yield our lives to the Lord Jesus, Paul tells us that we will have the peace of God, which is beyond all human understanding. Philippians 4:6-7  Why not yield yourself to Him today?? Peace!