The Walterboro Rotary Club held its December 18th meeting at Tavern on the Green at Dogwood Hills Golf Course. The meeting was called to order by President Cliff Warren with the ringing of the bell followed by the recitation of the 4 Way Test, Pledge of Allegiance, and the Invocation. Scott Lockwood, Sargent at Arms, provided the daily news (from 1939) and Alzheimer’s moment. President Warren then recognized the club for being in existence for 85 years and shared some paper excerpts of the early years of the club. Members Bucky McCormick and Jack Beach shared club mentors collected over the years. The Walterboro Rotary Club was founded in 1939. The new club was sponsored by the Beaufort Rotary Club and had 18 charter members. H. Wayne Unger was elected as the first president, with W. L. Easterline serving as vice president, Howard K. Story serving as secretary, Benjamin N. Nicoll serving as treasurer, and E. F. Saunders serving as sergeant-at-arms. These 18 charter members built a strong foundation for future club members to play a leading part in the progress and development of the life of the community.
Rotary International is recognized as the world’s first volunteer service organization and was founded in 1906 in Chicago. Their motto is “Service Above Self”. The Rotary Club supports the eradication of polio and providing clean water on an international level. Alzheimer’s research is a priority as a District project and locally the Club funds a scholarship as well as many other community projects.