Town of Edisto Beach Received GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for 2024-2025 Fiscal Year
We are pleased to report that the Town of Edisto Beach received the Government Finance Officers Association’s (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. As noted by GFOA, this award represents a significant achievement by the Town of Edisto Beach and reflects the commitment of Town Council and staff in meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting.
In order for the Town to receive this budget award, nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation must be met. The guidelines are designed to assess how well an entity’s budget serves as: a policy document; a financial plan; an operations guide; and a communications device. Budget documents must be rated “proficient” in all these categories, and in the fourteen mandatory criteria within those categories, to receive this award.
Starfish Award for Sue Johnson
(Awarded posthumously)
At the December 12 Town Council Regular Meeting, Council presented a Starfish Award posthumously for Sue Johnson, who was a resident of Edisto Beach for many years, as well as a member of the Planning Commission.
Mayor Moore read the following citation in recognition of Ms. Johnson’s service and dedication to Edisto Beach:
Sue Johnson is being recognized for the Town of Edisto Beach Starfish Award for her work on the Planning Commission. Sue was a member of the Planning Commission since May 2018. Her dedication to the Town and its residents was unparalleled, and her knowledge and tenacity made her a valuable member of the Commission. She was esteemed by her colleagues and, as Vice Chair, she helped drive many decisions, making Edisto Beach a better place to live. Sue died on November 21, 2024, so we present this Starfish Award posthumously and will share with Sue’s family. We also send our condolences to the family. Sue will be greatly missed.
Edisto Beach Fire Department Second Trip to NC for Helen Survivors
Chief Denney Conley, Bryan Henderson, Wendy Griffin, and David Ebert from the Edisto Beach Fire Department organized a second trip to North Carolina to help Hurricane Helene survivors. They began the trip on December 19 and returned on December 21. They took two trucks and a trailer packed with donations to North Carolina.
During this trip, the firefighters traveled to Grassy Creek, NC. Thanks to the generosity of Town residents and others, many items and toys were distributed to the residents who stopped by. After the first day, 85% of the items had been distributed.
Even though the firefighters planned to distribute the remaining donations in Marion the next day, the snow and wind gusts that morning stifled those plans. Instead, Camping World in the area already had a distribution building set- up for individuals to pick-up supplies, so the donated items from Edisto Beach were unloaded at this distribution center, which was much appreciated.
We thank all the residents, businesses, and others who donated so generously during this holiday season, and a special thank you to Wyndham Resorts for all their donations.
Jane Edwards Elementary-Caroling
Town Hall was treated to a wonderful caroling presentation by the students of Jane Edwards Elementary School on December 18. The students’ sweet, exuberant voices certainly added to the holiday excitement! Thank you to the amazing students and teachers and aides of Jane Edwards Elementary for sharing their talents with us!
2025 Town Council Meeting Schedule
Town Council monthly work sessions and regular meetings are scheduled on the following dates in 2025:
January 7 (W); January 9 (M)
February 11 (W); February 13 (M)
March 11 (W); March 13 (M)
April 8 (W); April 10 (M)
May 6 (W); May 8(M)
June 10 (W); June 12 (M)
July 8 (W); July 10 (M)
August 12 (W); August 14 (M)
September 9 (W); September 11 (M)
October 7 (W); October 9 (M)
November 10 (W); November 13 (M)
December 9 (W); December 11 (M)
W = Work Session
M = Monthly Meeting
Town Hall Holiday Schedule
Town Hall will be closed on the following dates in 2025:
New Year’s Day, January 1
Martin Luther King Day, January 20
President’s Day, February 17
Good Friday, April 18
Memorial Day, May 26
Independence Day, July 4
Labor Day, September 1
Columbus Day, October 13
Veterans Day, November 11
Thanksgiving Holiday, November 27-28
Christmas Holiday: December 24-26