Take One, Make One” (TOMO) program


PRESS RELEASE. The S.C. Department of Natural Resources has the “Take One, Make One” (TOMO) program. It is designed to teach safe hunting practices to students who have no previous outdoor hunting experience. This program will increase their awareness and the value of wildlife and the natural environment by encouraging experienced adults to “pass on” traditional outdoor skills.

TOMO emphasizes teaching safe and ethical hunting, the conservation and responsible use of our natural resources and character education.

The TOMO program targets two focus areas:

TOMO allows youth to experience the shooting sports and the outdoors through mobile education trailers using video simulators and hands-on air rifle ranges. These education trailers travel throughout the state to local events and festivals and serve as a recruitment tool for the program.

TOMO provides a specific mechanism for students ages 10 through 17 to learn about safe and ethical hunting through first-time youth hunts. Participants will be paired with experienced hunters who sponsor and actively participate in TOMO’s hunting mentorship program.

For more Information call the TOMO Program at 1-800-277-4301.