There are people in society who are sometime overlooked. Those with mental, physical, and developmental disabilities are often unseen and unheard. However, Pastor Victor Johnson absolutely sees these people and does what he can to make their lives the fullest it can be and make sure they are seen and heard. As a pastor, and as a he embodies the gift of the Spirit of service as he tries to bring the teachings of Christ to Colleton County.
While not originally from Walterboro he has lived here for the past 30 years. Johnson found Walterboro through work. Victor worked for Terminix Pest Control Service for 35 years and was coming through the area frequently for customers. People began to recognize him when he came through and would say hello, gift him things, and just made him feel like part of the family; like part of the community.
Mr. Johnson’s years and years of service to the physically, mentally, and developmentally disabled began in 1976 in Atlanta. He began driving buses for these disabled persons for a training center at a high school in Atlanta. He also drove buses for disabled children at elementary schools in Atlanta as well. Victor did this for the community all while working for Terminix and getting his certifications to work in pest control. In 1980 Johnson was driving specifically for the physically disabled. He worked with all levels of physical disability with children in this capacity.
Mr. Victor also worked at the Georgia Mental Institute as well. Not only did he deal in transport he was part of a team at the Institute that evaluated those who came through the doors. This team would asses individuals daily for 30 days in order to determine if they needed to be incarcerated, if they were just “acting out”, or there was actual organic mental health issues that needed to be addressed.
Upon leaving Atlanta to make his home in Walterboro, Johnson kept up with his commitment to the children by driving a bus for those with disabilities. He would not only drive the bus, he would also assist in getting the children into the classrooms, and lend support in any way he could. As a bus driver for kids Victor did not just shuttle children back and forth. He worked with them, talked with them, encouraged them, and prayed for them. While those kids probably never knew all he did, Mr. Johnson walked with them in spirit as well.
Another role in Victor Johnson’s life is as a Pastor. He was the Pastor for Holy Living Church off Green Pond Highway, but ultimately closed the doors of that church. He currently does not pastor a brick and mortar church, but his spiritual work is not done. Johnson is now trying to bring about a revival to Colleton County. The premise for the revival is to be non-denominational and welcoming for all churches who are Gospel and Christ centered.
Personally, Victor is married to Bernadette Johnson and they have been married for 13 years. They met doing “God’s work” and continue to do that work together.
Thank you, Mr. Victor Johnson for your dedication to those who sometimes are overlooked and for the time you take to minister to the community spiritually.