October is the time for the P.E.P. Club (People Enjoying People) to have their annual hamburger and hot dog picnic and Halloween costume contest. Knowing their children may change their name and say the inheritance isn’t work it, a large group of the members still dresses in costumes. Club President Normal Weeks in her “just out” costume presented a basket of Halloween goodies and a $10.00 check from the club to first place winner Virginia Yacho dressed as Smokey Bear. First runner up was Marlene Williamon dressed as Dr. Mugg, and third place winner was Margaret Harrison in her poodle skirt outfit from the ‘50’s.
The P.E.P Club is a senior club for anyone over 50 and meets the last Tuesday of the month at 12:00 at the Recreation Center in the Industrial Area. Lunch is served, a program is presented, free door prizes are given, and Bingo is played ($1.00 a card) if you so desire. Your first visit is free, and if you join annual dues are $5.00. Due to the holidays there is no meeting in November and in December meeting is the first Tuesday of the month.
For more information call Club President Norma Weeks at 843-538-8950.