Walterboro City Council held its regular meeting on Tuesday, November 5th. During the meeting, City Council gave second and final reading of an ordinance to rezone property at 204 Savage Street from Single Family Residential (SFR) to Medium Density Residential (MDR) and gave second and final reading of four ordinances to annex seven properties into the city, marking another step in the city’s expansion and development.
Under new business, City Council approved an ordinance authorizing expenditure of Coronavirus State and Local Recovery Funds for local improvement projects, including funding for Phase Two of the Boardwalk Rehabilitation Project at the Walterboro Wildlife Sanctuary.
Also under new business, City Council approved a proclamation declaring November 21, 2024, as World Pancreatic Cancer Day. In addition, City Council authorized the closure of streets for the Annual Christmas Parade, which is set for Sunday, December 8, 2024, at 6:00 PM. Councilmember James Broderick was appointed as Walterboro’s Voting Delegate for the upcoming 2024 National League of Cities City Summit.
City Council accepted Sharon Courtney’s resignation from the Keep Walterboro Beautiful Board, accepted Glenn Nixon’s resignation from the Planning Commission and appointed Sharon Courtney to fill Glenn Nixon’s unexpired term on the Planning Commission.