New cell phone policy in place for Colleton students



Students returning to school from the holiday break are coming back to the classrooms with a new cell phone policy.

Students can only use their cell phones, smart watches and tablets before school and after school. Once a student enters their school, all devices must be turned off and put away. These devices have to remain off, and cannot be used during recess, lunch or class changes. Students can also not use cell phones to capture any photos, videos or audio during school.

The new policy became effective on January 4th, when Colleton students returned from the holiday break.

However, the Colleton County School Board voted on Dec. 14th to adopt the new policy, which they say is temporary. The vote policy is expected to become permanent in a future vote, which can happen by the school board in January or February, according to information posted to social media by school board member William Bowman.

The policy includes rules for when and how students can use their cell phones, smart watches and tablets. It also has consequences for those students who violate the policy.

Students who violate the policy for the first time can receive a warning, have their device confiscated or a parent/guardian conference can be requested.

Second offenses result in the device confiscation, one day of out=of=school suspension and the student is prohibited from possessing any wireless electronic device at school for the remainder of the school year.

Third offense requires that the device be confiscated, three days of out-of-school suspension and the student is prohibited from possessing any wireless device at school fror one calendar year.

The fourth offense has disciplinary action determined by the distriction, with up to expulsion for the remainder of the school year.

Students can also be disciplined under the district’s student code of conduct, especially if the student does not listen to a teacher who is trying to take the device or if the student is recording other students and violating the privacy of others.

According to a press release issued by the district, this new policy was “created to insure these electronic devices do not disrupt the important work occurring in our classrooms and to help create a safe learning environment for our students and staff.”

However, some parents have gone to social media to either voice their support for the new policy or their anger about it.

Some parents called the policy “fantastic” and overdue, with some parents saying their child has become a victim of other students inciting violence just for the sake of recording it and posting it.

Other parents said they are concerned at how their child would be able to contact them during an emergency.

More specifics from the policy include:

Students cannot use their phones, smart phones or tablets to take pics, audio or video of other people at school;

Earbuds and headphones cannot be worn during the instructional school day;

Wireless electronic devices are allowed on state-owned buses as long as their devices don’t interrupt the operation of the school buses or the safety of other students on the bus.

The bus driver can confiscate the wireless device if it is being disruptive.

Students can keep their devices in a locker; backpack or any non-visible location during the school day.

For more information or to read the full policy, go to the school board Web site at