Local animal shelter officials warn that pets are not temporary Christmas gifts


By Heather Ruppe

It’s the time of year where children tend to ask Santa for the one big item – a puppy. Unfortunately, the puppy tends to become a burden after the joy of Christmas morning, and can sometimes be dropped off at the pound once the puppy cuteness wears off or the pet becomes inconvenient.

Pets are not gifts or toys. They are lifetime responsibilities, just like children. “Currently, the primary reasons people give as to why they are surrendering their pets to the shelter are, they've gotten a puppy who has grown to a size that makes it hard for the pet parent to manage, change in living situations such as going into assisted living or moving in with family members and family members moving out and leaving a pet behind,” said Laura Clark, director of the Colleton County Animal Services.

“I think all of these point to decisions to get a pet without fully considering the lifespan of an animal.”

According to Clark, dogs and cats, on average, tend to live for 12 to 15 years. “It is heartbreaking for the humans, and especially the pets, when these decisions to surrender a pet are made,” she said. “We also encourage potential dog owners to research the breeds of dogs they are considering and determine if they can meet the needs for training, daily exercise and containment that breed will require.

“Buying or adopting a dog strictly on how it looks can result in a poor match,” said Clark.

Clark encourages the use of Internet sites, such as https://dogtime.com/dog-breeds, to help people make the best decision in choosing the right dog for them.

A few points to consider when buying a pet are the emotional needs of the animal and the cost of caring for a pet.

All research states dogs are extremely intelligent. In a June 2021 study released in the Journal of Current Biology, even an 8-week-old puppy can understand human emotions through facial expressions, and the puppy could follow a pointing finger and enjoy socialization with people, the study states.

Also, future pet owners need to consider that raising a pet can cost $2,750 to $3,400 a year. Pet insurance helps with more serious medical bills, but that is an additional monthly expense.