
Dear Editor,

I’ve been dismayed by all the divisiveness, accusations, blaming and shaming that’s been so prevalent in our news broadcasts, speeches, talk shows, magazine articles, TV programs (that are supposed to be entertainment!), and even “letters to the editor.”

It’s all centered around masks & “vacs” (vacines).

I think we’re all complaining to and about the wrong people!

We should be leaning HARD on our President, Congressmen, Senators and ALL government leadership! They should be finding out how this common virus that’s been around forever got weaponized, who did it...and WHY!

Why has all the scientific info from the lab where it was modified, or enhanced, disappeared, along with those who were working on it?

We’re not asking the right questions. We’re not mad at the right people. What we need is answers, action and the responsible parties to pay up!

So, instead of complaining about someone who’s masked...or not. Instead of yelling about someone with the shot...or not. Let’s root out the one’s who caused it. We’re all entitled to a big helping of righteous indignation that the “powers that be” have turned this debacle back on us and turned US against each other to cover up their total disregard for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent, unsuspecting people.

Whichever direction you lean...put your anger, energy and frustration to work toward who and what is REALLY to blame!

Remember how united we were in the disaster of 20 years ago? Remember how we were all just Americans that pulled together for the common cause? We have and are facing a disaster now. Just remember how we were then. Let’s be united now ...and love our neighbors.

MJ Opdyke
